Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Essay Sample on Sharks and Their Similarity with Humans

Essay Sample on Sharks and Their Similarity with Humans Sharks are well known for their incredible resistance to disease. The exact reason for this resistance has always been a bit of a mystery. While performing research as a graduate student almost thirty years ago, John Marchalonis took several milliliters of blood from the heart of a shark. Marchalonis discovered two proteins, one large and one small, which could link together to form a Y-shaped structure. This Y-shaped structure, which consisted of the two proteins, had the ability to stick tightly to chemicals that did not belong inside the shark. This was an immune system response that would destroy the foreign invaders. This finding showed that sharks have disease-fighting antibodies that are similar to those found in humans. Currently, as the head of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Arizona, Marchalonis is still studying sharks, skates, rays and shark cousins. He is comparing them with humans in the hopes of uncovering some of the early stages in the evolution of the immune system. Even though sharks are vertebrates, our evolutionary paths went their separate ways over 400 million years ago. This may uncover possible answers to questions concerning the evolution of the immune system. The immune response depends on antibodies and three other immune proteins known as T-Cell receptors (TCRs), MHC proteins and RAG proteins. Scientists have been unable to detect the presence of these proteins and antibodies in any group that evolved before sharks. This is one reason that sharks are being studied so heavily but, even with the presence of antibodies and other important proteins, sharks exhibit a rather sub-par immune system. There have been experiments in which sharks were injected with foreign proteins. The sharks did create antibodies to bind to the foreign proteins but the response did not improve upon repeated injections as it does in humans. Even with these findings, sharks are known to be very disease resistant. Contrary to popular belief, sharks do get cancer but it doesn’t happen easily. Scientists must somehow make sense of the shark’s rather substandard immune capacity. One possibility could be that sharks do not require the same immune system fu nctions humans do in order to survive. A human’s acquired immune system is made up of antibodies and T-Cells. The acquired immune system is responsible for recognizing foreign invaders and allows our body to make the distinction between self and non-self. Antibodies recognize antigens and bind to them. As antibodies bind to antigens, they essentially are being singled out for destruction. Humans can produce as many as one hundred million distinct antibodies, which allows for quite a bit of protection against foreign invaders. As our body cuts and rejoins DNA to make up the Y-shaped antibodies (found in sharks as well) many tiny mistakes are made which leads to even more diversity. This diversity, along with DNA cutting, allows humans to fight off many different foreign invaders without requiring one dedicated gene to create each antibody and TCR. Even though a shark can cut DNA in a similar fashion to humans, they also have more light and heavy chain genes. Sharks not only possess a remarkable immune system but also produce a steroid called squalamine. According to Mike Zasloff, President of Research of Magainin Pharmaceuticals, sharks rely less on TCRs and antibodies and more on squalamine. Squalamine, as well as other shark chemicals, are considered potent killers of many bacteria and also seem to ward of viral infections. Magainin Pharmaceuticals is trying to develop squalamine for commercial use in prescriptions like the health food stores which sell shark cartilage since the early 1990’s. Many companies and people have been quick to point out the benefits of shark cartilage even though most of the claims have not been proven by true scientific research. Unfortunately, sharks are being over fished worldwide because of the cartilage craze. The research that John Marchalonis began is really just the beginning of a significant study. As the research has found, sharks are very resistant to infection and sickness. If these abilities can be brought to the human species, then we have a lot to look forward to. Less sickness and better resistance to viral infections are only two possible benefits that could come from Marchalonis’ research. There will always be a debate on ethics when DNA is concerned. Many religious sects do not believe in research involving DNA because they feel it is science’s way of â€Å"playing God†. I feel that if this research can prevent sickness or be able to fight off infections, then science should pursue in the effort to do more research. You can order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on Sharks at our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with custom papers written by highly qualified academic writers. High quality and no plagiarism guarantee! Get professional essay writing help at an affordable cost.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

4 signs your boss is not impressed with your work

4 signs your boss is not impressed with your work When things are going well at work and the praise is flowing, things are great. You’re feeling happy and accomplished, and comfortable that you’re in the right place. But sometimes there will be bad days and bad periods, when the work is more difficult, or you’re just not performing up to where you should be. How can you tell if things are moving into a danger zone with your boss? Let’s look at some of the signs that you’re just not crushing it at work.You’re bored. All. The. Time.A little boredom can be a good thing- it can give you some space to be creative, or find a new way of doing things. Feeling bored all day, every day is a bad sign. It means that something just isn’t clicking for you in your work. Maybe you just don’t have enough to do, or maybe you don’t like what you are doing. You should be doing work that makes you feel challenged and satisfied- if not all the time, then at least most of the time. If you†™re constantly bored, it’s likely that you’re not the only one who has noticed, and it’s time to consider your other options.Your work gets reassigned.If a project that would normally have come your way goes to a colleague (or is taken on by the boss herself), that’s a red flag too. It’s a sign that your boss is losing confidence in your ability to get the job done. If it happens only occasionally, it could just be that your boss is trying to spare your workload. But if you notice it happening frequently, it’s time to talk to your manager about it. Let her know that ready and able to take on tasks.You’re being micromanaged.Everyone’s had a manager like this at some point- the boss who details all of your next steps, item by item, and hovers to make sure everything is getting done. The boss who checks in every five minutes to see if you got his email. Some people are just micromanagers, but if you find that this is a consisten t issue with your own boss, it could be a sign that he or she doesn’t trust you with particular tasks.You’re called into meetings to discuss your work.Status meetings are one thing, but if you find your boss is regularly scheduling sit-down meetings to talk about the quality of your work, that’s not a great sign. Even if there’s no specific criticism, it can be a sign of lost confidence.So what do you do when you notice these issues creeping into your working relationship with your boss? The first step should be having a neutral, nonconfrontational discussion about it with your boss. Make sure he or she knows that you’re open to more responsibilities and making changes that make you more productive, while avoiding personal accusations. And if you find that there’s no longer a productive dialogue and your boss is still freezing you out, it may simply be time to look for another job.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

7 SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS ONLY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

7 SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS ONLY - Assignment Example (PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE YOUR OWN RESOURCES) 1. What is orthography and how does it differ from phonetic spelling? Explain why linguists use a phonetic alphabet to represent speech sounds instead of regular spelling. Include specific examples in your answer. (125 WORDS) Orthography means literally correct writing and it refers to the rules and conventions of the written language. It includes the way that letters are used to spell out a word, punctuation, and the use of capitals and lower case letters, as for example the use of capital letters for all nouns in German, but only for proper nouns in English. Orthography alone is not a good system for linguists because it does not represent accurately the actual sounds that are produced in spoken language. Two speakers from different parts of the United States might pronounce the same word differently and this is not recorded in orthography. A phonetic alphabet has one symbol for each sound and this allows accurate analysis of sounds. Suprasegmentals are a linguistic feature that can be found in the spoken language. Linguists look at the small segments of speech, such as vowels, consonants and syllables and analyze how these are formed and how they fit together into words and phrases. Suprasegmentals are features that transcend these tiny pieces and range over several syllables. An example of a suprasegmental is the way that intonation and stress patterns operate. It is important to identify these features because they can change the meaning of an utterance, for example a rising intonation can mean a question in English whereas a flat or falling intonation is a statement. Stress on a word can mean emphasis. The word â€Å"desert† has different meanings, depending on which syllable is stressed. Answer the following questions in your own words. Your answers need to be complete enough to demonstrate mastery of the lesson objectives. A brief paragraph (5 sentences)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Health and safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Health and safety - Assignment Example The primary legislation regarding safety and health regulation is the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974. Section 6 of this Act provides that suppliers of hazardous substances to small engineering workshops must take reasonable precautions to ensure safety and minimum risks to health. This regulation further obliges suppliers of hazardous substances to provide adequate information on risks to health and safety which the inherent properties of the substance pose to their users and handlers (HSE, 33, 2004). This law aims at controlling exposure to hazardous substances by employees that most frequently occurs to them when they are machining, welding, painting or cleaning and degreasing. This law further requires that suppliers should supply machinery complete with instructions for use of the same. This provision affects suppliers and purchasers of new and used machines within the European Union (HSE, 51, 2004). Some of the substances that workers may be exposed to include nickel-copper, nickel-chrome alloys, stainless steel and nickel alloys, stainless steel chromium alloys, lead and lead alloys, copper alloys containing beryllium and caladium-plated articles. The employees in these factories must have adequate personal protection for employees to minimize risks of negative health effects through the control dust, fume, spray and vapour. They should also take steps to minimize skin contact through adequate personal protection to the employees (HSE, 33, 2004). The Control of Substances Harzadous to Health Regulations 2002 provides that small engineering workshop owners must always assess the risks that exposure to hazardous substances poses to risks to the health of its employees. Workshops are also required to prevent workers exposure to these substances by the use of less hazardous forms of chemicals or even alternative processes that limit the risk of exposure (HSE, 34, 2004). Engineering Workshops are also required to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Epitome of Public Service Essay Example for Free

The Epitome of Public Service Essay The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, as Sandra McElwaine puts it, has had her stint with the news media for looking a bit more refreshed, the pseudo-acronym for plastic surgery . Pelosi’s refreshed look tells the story of a firm character and a patriot’s dedicated service to a nation with no sign of giving up characterized by the absence of veins of strain on her magnificent face. The glamorous grandma, as it is obviously illustrated with her sharp present-eyes that would pierce anyone who poses opposition for the pro-Jew democrat is magnificent despite her age with her seamless features . Pelosi comes from a family with a strong tradition in public service. Thomas D’Alessandro, Jr. , Pelosi’s father, after representing the city of Baltimore in Maryland for five congressional terms, also went on to serve as its mayor for twelve years. Thomas D’Alessandro III, her brother, followed in her father’s footsteps as he served as the city’s mayor as well. She graduated from Washington’s Trinity College in 1962 and together with her husband Paul Pelosi, they have five children: Alexandra, Jacqueline, Christine, Nancy Corinne and Paul. Pelosi has represented the eighth district of California in the United States House of Representatives. The eighth district consists most of San Francisco City which includes Chinatown, Golden Gate Park, Fisherman’s Wharf as well as many of the numerous neighborhoods adding up to San Francisco community’s vibrancy as well as prosperity. The current House Speaker has led campaigns for the increase of educational opportunities for young Americans as well as campaigns for the protection of employees. Additionally, Pelosi has been extremely vocal on legislations that promote health care, especially women’s health as well as the creation of a nationwide health-tracking-network that was aimed at assessing the connection between chronic diseases and environmental pollutants. Moreover Pelosi has also led efforts aimed at increasing investments in health as well as health related research whereupon she has secured financial support that doubled the National Institutes of Health’s budget . Together with the help of other representatives, Pelosi has prevailed against efforts aimed at reducing funding for international family planning programs. The creation of housing opportunities for individuals living with HIV/Aids ranks among Pelosi’s major legislative victories. Additionally, she has also been at the forefront of accelerating the development of an HIV vaccine as well as the expansion of access to Medicaid for individuals who have been infected by the deadly virus. Moreover, the speaker was also at the forefront in the house campaign that saw funding for Ryan White CARE Act increased. Other programs that have also seen her staunch support include the Minority HIV/AIDS Initiative in addition to other critical programs to people infected with HIV/AIDS. Her passion for improved health services to the American public has also seen her successfully increase access to health insurance for disabled Americans by way of ensuring that they are continuously covered with a healthcare policy . Moreover Pelosi was also a vehement force in the passage of legislation that saw nonprofit organizations assisted in the creation of affordable housing. As a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) for the longest continuous time of service in the history of the committee (ten years) which also include two years as a Ranking Democrat, she worked to guarantee military commanders as well as policymakers access to accurate and timely intelligence critical for directing diplomatic initiatives as well as success during combat and protection of American forces. Pelosi’s service to the Public has not been limited to American soil as she has also been vocal in meetings the world over with both American as well as foreign intelligence leaders. In this regard, Pelosi has called for increased attention to the danger that America and the international community is exposed to with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction including nuclear as well as biological threats . In a move that finalized her passion for public service, Pelosi led congressional reviews of American security and intelligence agencies whereupon she authored legislation aimed at creating an autonomous national commission to examine the federal government’s performance before, during as well as after the September 11 attacks. Pelosi’s virtue and humanity is resplendent and reflective in her advocacy for human rights around the world. This is especially evident with her brutal but intelligent fights for the improvement of human rights in China, especially in the context of her tying of America’s commerce with China to the communist state’s human rights record. The peak of her human rights stints with China has to be her efforts to free Tibetans. Just as the environment and the public are two symbiotic aspects inextricably bound, Pelosi’s service to the public is not complete without shades of environmental efforts . She secured the passage of a stipulation within the International Development and Finance Act of 1989. In this act, the World Bank as well as all regional multilateral development banks is required to assess likely environmental effects of all development projects they finance. Additionally, the said institutions are required to make these assessments available publicly. This Pelosi tool has evolved as a critical tool for foreign and indigenous non-governmental organizations in the world. Work Cited Page American Power. â€Å"Nancy Pelosi: Safe Environment a Basic Human Right. American Power. Gaffney, Mark, â€Å"Who is Nancy Pelosi? Bi-partisan consensus on Americas War in the Middle East† Common Dreams (2005). Garber, Kent (2010) â€Å"Pelosi Fights for More Low Income Subsides in Healthcare. † US News World Report. McElwaine, Sandra. â€Å"Who Did Nancy Pelosis New Face? † The Daily Beast. (2009). Rosenthal, Cindy Simon and Peters, Ronald M. , â€Å"Who is Nancy Pelosi? † PS: Political Science Politics, V. 41. (2008)

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

Intorduction What is leadership?. If I look at my life, how I see leadership, what impact did something or somebody have on my life. What characteristic do I have or does a person need to make you a good leader?. Furthermore what is my role of being a good leader and am I successful in this role as a good leader or do I have gaps?. How do I close the gaps to become a great leader?. Can I say at the end I am a good leader in what I’m doing or am I on the right track of becoming a good leader. What is leadership Leadership is all around us, there are leaders at schools, at home, at work, on the sport field, in the government. The word leaders have many meanings, it can be somebody leading others by guiding them in a direction, showing them where to go, and then you have leaders who control or rule a group a good example is president. A leader can be somebody specific to a group; this could be the general manager of a company. Therefore, we can see leadership is everywhere. Where do leadership start for me? If I have to look in to my history from child wood until now, was there any leadership fundamental in me. I’m oldest of three brothers in the family, with a 7 year gap between us. So I would say as the elderly brother I always look out for them in a protective kind of way leading them away from harm and danger. As the year go on the focus of leadership change, I had to think of my way forward and not so much in holding their hands. For me at that time it was all about vision and passion, what impact I could have on the team. When I play sport I went out and gave 120% because of my passion and proudness, I think this has to do with me not having any support from my parents, I had to proof to them that I have something in me to ... of my success is that I had a couple of dreams; one was to becoming somebody in sport and the other was to be somebody from whom others could learn. As for the rest of it is there, but still need to work on them, bringing them together so that they can work as one. With dreams you have to have a vision, how you going to make this dream become a reality. Share your vision with others, your team wants to work with you to complete the vision. Ownership, make them believe it is there goals and vision. Communication, you need to have a good, effective communication with the right attitude. Furthermore, you need to be flexible, open-minded, thinks outside the box, and know that not all problems have the same solution. Conviction, a strong vision, and the willpower to see it through, because your team will not support or respect your vision if you don’t believe in it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Compare And Contrast Each Version Of War Of The Worlds

The version of War of the Worlds I found most effective in creating fear amongst it’s audience was the radio broadcast. In both the novel version and the radio broadcast the alien creature that lands on Earth is described in great detail. It’s grotesque features are planted in our mind as the narrator tell us the events of the story. In the original novel the crowd is in a sort of riot at the sight of an extraterrestrial and even trampel a pedestrian in all the fuss. Even though the radio broadcast describes less of the chaos in the crowd i found it more frightening. One of the scariest thing about this version was that many of the listeners thought it was actually happening to Earth. As you can imagine the thought of an alien invasion is terrifying, not only did many think the events to be true but they had to wait for the narrator to reveal more information. When people read the novel they knew it was fiction and also could skip to the end of the book if they couldn't take the suspense , eliminating many feelings of fear.NovelA person is trampled by the frightened crowd while trying to get away from the cylinder. The main character is there when the event takes placeSimilarities The alien is described with great detail We hear/read the story from the point of view of the narratorRadio The narrator seems to be observing the events from afar The crowd seems less frightened

Sunday, November 10, 2019

System Architecture

We suspect that the real reason is the lack of a comprehensive, hysteretic and unifying approach to architectural design that makes the patterns In some sense comparable. Acquirement specification into a working software and hardware system and, hence, could be seen as â€Å"programming-in-the-very-large†. Since it is an accepted doctrine that mistakes when caught in the early stages are much cheaper to correct than when discovered in the late stages, good architectural system design could be of enormous economical potential. The purpose of this paper is to take a first step in the direction of a methodology for architectural design. Or in other words, we submit that architectural design should allow a methodology and not intuition, I. E. Should be treated as a science and not as an art. In order not to become overly ambitious, and to stay within the confines of a conference paper, we will limit ourselves to information systems as the synthesis of data base and data communicat ion systems, with more emphasis on the former. 2 2. 1 Services Services and resources Since we claim that architectural design is the first step in a process that turns a requirements specification into a working software and hardware system, an essential ingredient of the design method is a uniform and rigorous requirements specification.Requirements is something imposed by an outside wow RL. For information systems the outside world are the business processes in some real-world organization such as industry, government, education, financial institutions, for which they provide the informational support. Figure 1 illustrates the basic idea. The counterpart of business processes in an information system are informational processes. Business processes proceed in a linear (as in Figure 1) or non-linear order of steps, and so do the informational processes.To meet its obligations, each step draws on a number of resources. Resources are infrastructural means that are not died to any par ticular process or business but support a broad spectrum of these and can be shared, perhaps concurrently, by a large number of processes. In an information system the resources are informational in nature. Because of their central role, resources must be managed properly to achieve the desired system goals of economy, scale, capacity and timeliness.Therefore, access to each resource is through a resource manager. In the remainder we use the term information systems in the narrower sense of a collection of informational resources and their managers. What qualifies as a resource depends on the scope of a process. For example, in decision processes the resources may be computational such as statistical packages, data warehouses or data mining algorithms. These may in turn draw on more generic resources such as database systems and data communication systems.Business Informational process 1 Process step 1 Resource manager 1 Process step 2 Process step 3 Resource manager 2 Process step 4 Resource manager 3 Process step 5 Resource manager 4 process 2 Figure 1 Business processes, informational processes and resources What is of interest from an outside perspective is the kind of support a resource may provide. Abstractly speaking, a resource may be characterized by its competence . Competence manifests itself as the range of tasks that the resource manager is capable of performing.The range of tasks is referred to as a service. In this view, a resource manager is referred to as a service provider (or server for short) and each subsystem that makes use of a resource manager as a service client (or client for short). 2. 2 Service characteristics The relationship between a client and a server is governed by a service level characteristics of the services it provides. From the viewpoint of the client the server as to meet certain obligations or responsibilities. The responsibilities can be broadly classified into two categories.The first category is service functionalit y and covers the collection of functions available to a client and given by their syntactical interfaces (signatures) and their semantic effects. The semantic effects often reflect the interrelationships between the functions due to a shared state. Functionality is what a client basically is interested in. The second category covers the qualities of service. These are non-functional properties that are nonetheless considered essential for the usefulness of a server to client. 2. Service qualities To make the discussion more targeted, we study what technical equal ties of service we come to expect from an information system. Ubiquity. In general, an information system includes a large – in the Internet even unbounded – number of service providers. Access to services should be unrestricted in time and space, that is, anytime between any places. Ubiquity of information services makes data communication an indispensable part of information systems. Durability. Information services have not only to do with deriving new information from older information but also act as a kind of business memory.Access to older information in the form of stored data must remain possible at any time into an unlimited future, unless and until the data is explicitly overwritten. Durability of information makes database management a second indispensable ingredient of information systems. Interpretability. In an information system, data is exchanged across both, space due to ubiquity and time due to durability. Data carries information, but it is not information by itself. To exchange information, the sender has to encode its information as data, and the receiver reconstructs the information by interpreting the data.Any exchange should ensure, to the extent possible, that the interpretations of sender and receiver agree, that is, that meaning is preserved in space and time. This requires some common conventions, e. G. , a formal framework for interpretation. Because informa tion systems and their environment usually are only loosely coupled, the formal framework can only reflect something like a best effort. Best-effort interpretability is often called (semantic) consistency. Robustness. The service must remain reliable, I. E. Guarantee its functionality and qualities to any client, under all circumstances, be they errors, disruptions, failures, incursions, interferences. Robustness must always be founded on a failure model. There may be different models for different causes. For example, a service function must reach a defined state in case of failure (failure resilience), service functions muss t only interact in predefined ways if they access the same resource (conflict resilience), and the effect of a function must not be lost once the function came to a Security.Services must remain trustworthy, that is, show no effects beyond the guaranteed functionality and qualities, and include only the predetermined clients, n the face of failures, errors or malicious attacks. Performance. Services must be rendered with adequate technical performance at given cost. From a client's perspective the performance manifests itself as the response time. From a whole community of clients the performance is measured as throughput. Scalability. Modern information systems are open systems in the number of both, clients and servers.Services must not deteriorate in functionality and qualities in the face of a continuous growth of service requests from clients or other servers. 3 Service hierarchies 3. 1 Divide-and-conquer Given a requirements specification in terms of service functionality and qualities on the one hand and a set of available basic, e. G. , physical resources from which to construct them on the other hand, architectural design is about solving the complex task of bridging the gap between the two.The time -proven method for doing so is divide-and conquer which recursively derives from a given task a set of more limited tasks that can be combined to realize the original task. However, this is little more than an abstract principle that still leaves open the strategy that governs the decomposition. Higher-level responsibility arrive functionality qualities composition: assemble higher-level responsibility decomposition: divide higher-level lower-level responsibilities Figure 2 Divide-and-conquer for services We look for a strategy that is well-suited to our service philosophy.Among the various strategies covered in [Est.] the one to fit the service philosophy best is the assignment of responsibilities. In decomposing a larger task new smaller tasks are defined, that circumscribe narrower responsibilities within the original responsibility (Figure 2). If we follow Section 2. 2, a responsibility no matter what its range is always fined in terms of a service functionality and a set of service qualities. Hence, the decomposition results in a hierarchy of responsibilities, I. E. Services, starting from the semantically richest though least detailed service at the root and progressing downwards to ever narrower but more detailed services. The inner nodes of the hierarchy can be interpreted as resource managers that act as both, service providers and service clients. 3. 2 Design hypothesis All we know at this point is that decomposition follows a strategy of dividing responsibilities for services. Services encompass functionality and a large number of laity-of-service (So) parameters. This opens up a large design space at each step.A design method deserves its name only if we impose a certain discipline that restricts the design space at each step. The challenge now is to find a discipline that both, explains common existing architectural patterns, and systematically constructs new patterns if novel requirements arise. We claim that the service perspective has remained largely unexplored so that any discipline based on it is as yet little more than a design hypothesis. Our method divides each step from one level to the next into three parts. Functional decomposition. This is the traditional approach.We consider service functionality a a primary s criterion for decomposition. Since the original service requirements reflect the needs of the business world, the natural inclination is to use a pure top-down or stepwise must decide whether, and if so how, the functionality should be further broken up into a set of less powerful obligations and corresponding service functionalities to which some tasks can be delegated, and how these are to be combined to obtain the original functionality. However, the closer we come to the basic resources the more hose will restrict our freedom of design.Consequently, at some point we may have to reverse the direction and use stepwise composition to construct a more powerful functionality from simpler functionalities. Propagation of service qualities. Consider two successive levels in the hierarchy and an assignment of So- parameters to the higher- level service, we now determine which service qualities should be taken care of by the services on the upper and lower levels. Three options exist for each quality. Under exclusive control the higher-level service takes sole responsibility, I. E. , does not propagate the quality any further.Under partial control it shares the responsibility with some lower-level service, I. E. , passes some So aspects along. Under complete delegation the higher-level service ignores the quality altogether and entirely passes it further down to a lower-level service. For partial control or complete delegation our hope is that the various qualities passed down are orthogonal and hence can be assigned to separate and largely independent resource managers. Priority of service qualities. Among the service qualities under exclusive or partial control, choose one as the primary quality and refine the decomposition.Our hope is that the remaining qualities exert no or only minor influences on this level, I. E. , are orthogonal to the primary quality and thus can be taken care of separately. Clearly, there are interdependencies between the three parts so that we should expect to iterate through them. 4 4. 1 Testing the design hypothesis Classical 5-layer architecture Even though it is difficult to discern from the complex architecture of today's relational DB'S, most of them started out with an architecture that took as its reference the well-published 5-layer architecture of System R [Sass, Chic].Up to hose days the architecture is still the backbone of academic courses in database system implementation (see, e. G. , [HERR]). As a first test we examine whether our design hypothesis could retroactively explain this (centralized) architecture. 4. 1. 1 Priority on performance We assume that the DB'S offers all the service qualities of Section 2. 3 safe ubiquity, the relational data model in its SQL appearance. As noted in Section 2. 3, durability is the raisin d' ©tree for DB'S. Durabil ity is first of all a quality that must be guaranteed on the level of physical resources, by non- volatile storage.Let's assume that durability is delegated all the way down to this level. Even after decades durability is still served almost exclusively by magnetic disk storage. If we use processor speed as the yardstick, the overwhelming bottleneck, by six orders of magnitude, is access latency, which is composed of the movement of the mechanical access mechanism for reaching a cylinder and the rotational delay until the desired data block appears under the read/write head. Consequently, performance dwarfs all other service qualities in importance on the lowest level.Considering the size of the bottleneck and the fact that performance is also an issue or the clients, it seems to make sense to work from the hypothesis that performance is the highest-priority quality across the entire hierarchy to be constructed. 4. 1 . 2 Playing off functionality versus performance Since we ignore f or the time being all service qualities except performance, our design hypothesis becomes somewhat simplified: There is a single top-priority quality, and because it pervades the entire hierarchy it is implemented by partial control.The challenge, then, is to find for each level a suitable benchmark against which to evaluate performance. Such a benchmark is given by an access profile, that is a sequence of operations that reflects, e. G. , average behavior or high-priority requests. We refer to such a benchmark as data staging. More expressive data model data staging data model Id wider usage context access profile resource manager I less expressive narrower Figure 3 Balancing functionality and performance on a level Consequently, our main objective on each level is determining a balance of functionality and data staging.As Figure 3 illustrates, the balancing takes account of a tandem of knowledge. On the way down we move from more to less expressive data models and at the same time from a wider context, I. E. More global knowledge of prospective data usage, to a narrower context with more localized knowledge of data usage. The higher we are in the hierarchy, the earlier can we predict the need for a data element. Design for performance, then, means to put the predictions to good use. Based on these abstractions we are indeed able to explain the classical architecture. We start with the root whose functionality is given by the relational model and SQL. The logical database structure in the form of relations is imposed by the clients. We also assume an access profile in terms of a history of operations on the logical database. We compress the access profile into an access density that expresses the probability of Joint use of data elements within a given time interval. The topmost resource manager can now use the access density to rearrange the data elements into sets of Jointly accessible elements.It then takes account of performance by translating queries aga inst the relational database to those against the rearranged, internal database. The data model on this internal level could very well still be relational. But since we have to move to a less expressive data model, we leave only he structure relational but employ duple operators rather than set operators. Consequently, the topmost resource manager also implements the relational operators by programs on sets of tepees.What is missing from the access density is the dynamics – which operations are applied to which data elements and in which order. Therefore, for the next lower level we compress the access profile into an access pattern that reflects the frequency and temporal distribution of the operations on data elements. There is a large number of so-called physical data structures tailored to different patterns – or combined associative and sequential access. The resource manager on this level accounts for performance by assigning suitable physical structures to the s ets of the internal data model.The data model on the next lower level provides a library of physical data structures together with the operators for accessing them. It is not all clear how to continue from here on downwards because we have extracted all we could from the access profile. Hence we elect to change direction and start from the bottom. Given the storage devices we use physical file management as provided by operating systems. We choose a block-oriented file organization because it makes the least assumptions about subsequent use of the data and offers a homogeneous view on all devices.We use parameter settings to influence performance. The parameters concern, among others, file size and dynamic growth, block size, block placement, block addressing (virtual or physical). To lay the foundation for data staging we would like to control physical proximity: adjacent block numbering should be equivalent to minimal latency on sequential, or (in case of RAID) parallel access. Th e data model is defined by classical file management functions. The next upper level recognizes the fact that on the higher levels data staging is in terms of sets of records.It introduces its own version of sets, namely segments. These are defined on pages with a size equal to block size. Performance is controlled by the strategy that places pages in blocks. Particularly critical to performance is the assumption that record size is much lower than page size so that a page contains a fairly large number of records. Hence, under the best of circumstances a page transfer into main memory results in the transfer of a large number of Jointly used cords. Buffer management gives shared records a much better chance to survive in main memory.The data model on this level is terms of sets of pages and operators on these. This leaves Just the gap to be closed between sets of records as they manifest themselves in the physical data structures, and sets of pages. Given a page, all records on the page can be accessed with main memory speed. Since each data structure reflects a particular pattern of record operations, we translate the pattern into a strategy for placing Jointly used records on the same page (record clustering). The physical data resource manager places or retrieves records on or from pages, respectively.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Jurassic Park 2 essays

Jurassic Park 2 essays JURASSIC PARK Crichton, Michael Publisher: Ballantine Books City Where Published: New York Date of latest copy: 1990 Edition: First Ballantine Books Edition: December 1991. 399 Pages, Hardcover I. A Brief Summary of the Plot. A billionaire has created a technique to clone dinosaurs. From the left behind DNA that his crack team of scientists and experts extract he is able to grow the dinosaurs in labs and lock them up on an island behind electrified fences. He has created a sort of theme park on the island which is located off the west coast of Costa Rica. The island is called Isla Nublar. He plans to have the entire planet come and visit his wondrous marvels. He asks a group of scientists from several different fields to come and view the park, but something terribly goes wrong when a worker on the island turns traitor and shuts down the power. II. A Description of the Most Important Aspects of the Contents. The main characters in the book are: John Hammond who is a billionaire developer who has used his resources to create the dinosaur filled island known as Jurassic Park. He is an old grandfather, and he dies in the book by a dinosaur known as a Procompsognathus. Dr. Alan Grant who is a renowned paleontologist who agrees to visit Jurassic Park only to find out it is the home of several Dinosaurs. Unlike the movie Dr. Grant loves kids in the book. He also had a of a beard. Dr. Ellie Sattler is a Paleobotinist and Alan Grant who is among the first people to tour Jurassic Park. Tim who is the 11 year old grandson of John Hammond. He is kind of geeky, into computers and loves Dinosaurs. His 7 year older sister is Alexis. She has a kind of tomboy attitude and loves base-ball Ian Malcom is the Mathematician that uses "Chaos Theory" to predict disastrous results. he only wears black and gray. He is presumably dead in Jurassic Park the book, but ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Hypercorrecting A Well-known Phrase

Hypercorrecting A Well-known Phrase Hypercorrecting A Well-known Phrase Hypercorrecting A Well-known Phrase By Maeve Maddox The phrase all men are created equal has to be one of the best known in the world. Indeed, it’s used so often that it has become a clichà ©. The phrase is, of course, from Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence (1776). It also occurs in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address (1863). It’s a lovely phrase and I can understand why we like to use it. Lately, however, I’ve been noticing statements like these: Not all charity products are created equally. Not all online content is created equally. . . . not all apps are created equally. Are all IT professionals created equally? Are All Forms Of Niacin Created Equally? I think the â€Å"equally† must find its way into these sentences because the writer unconsciously wants to follow a verb with an adverb. If what the writers of these sentences mean to say is that these things are â€Å"not of equal worth,† then I think they should be writing equal and not equally. Especially if they are intentionally echoing the words of the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Using the adverb equally places the emphasis on the act of making; using the adjective equal places the emphasis on the quality of the thing that has been created. POSTSCRIPT: In researching this post I discovered the existence of Mum Bett, an American Founding Mother of whom I’d never heard. She should be in the school books along with Sojourner Truth. You can read about her here. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowSelect vs. SelectedDouble Possessive

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managing People - Essay Example This will ensure all the work is done at the appropriate time and all the subsequent documentation filed. As such, there will be a sense of accountability in running the firm. In today’s world, it is evident that many employers are reverting to online recruitment, citing its prevalence. It is noted that the internet is one of the rapidly growing service that is in use with more than 60 percent of the world’s population. Therefore, many people will access the internet when they are looking for jobs or when they need to recruit employees (Dowling, Festing and Engle, 2008:19). This makes it easier as both parties are able to easily and efficiently access each other. Secondly, the internet is used on a daily basis which creates an avenue of easy communication characterised by quick feedback. In such a situation, there is minimal dead-time when communicating to an employee or an employer (Lipp, 2005:17). According to recent statistics it is considered that more than 77 perce nt of job seekers use the internet to find employers. This shows that there are large numbers of people who use the internet to find jobs. Similarly, more than half of the firms use the internet to find eligible employees. ... This makes it relatively easy to approach an employee who bears the required qualifications. In addition, it is noted that job advertisements on the internet circulate at a faster rate than using newspapers. As such, many people have reverted to using the internet while seeking jobs. The same applies to employers as they find the internet appealing when advertising for vacant positions (Arthur, 2012:12). Apparently, this has reflected a drop in newspaper sales as a wide population does not feel the need to buy newspapers when the information is available on the internet. There are many firms and businesses that have employed the best practice in regards to online recruitment. One of these firms that expedite online recruitment is Fab Tiger marketing. This is a marketing agency that is specialised in direct mailing, telemarketing and customer relationship management. When in need of employees Fab Tiger marketing embraces online recruitment. This has made it easier to achieve its targe t in the market as it is able to reach out to a wide pool of interested parties (MacKay, 2007:17). The second firm that has appreciated online recruitment is Webactiv, which specialises in marketing consultancy services. Most of its recruitments are done over the internet, which is fast and convenient. The last firm that has the best practice in relation to online recruitment is Insight Marketing Services. All these firms are based in the United Kingdom and have embraced the use of online recruitment. Since they need a massive number of employees, they have to use a method that will attract a large number of job seekers. This has made it possible to cut on recruitment costs (Compton, Nankervis and Morrissey, 2009:14). For

Friday, November 1, 2019

Against Death penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Against Death penalty - Essay Example Capital punishment is a controversial topic all over the world because of the immense value associated with human life. No science or technology has so far succeeded in creating an artificial life form in a laboratory setup. We have already succeeded in gathering useful information about even the distant planets in and out of the solar system; but still our knowledge about the origin of life, architecture of the life, life before birth and life after death etc are very limited. Proponents of capital punishment argue that instead of giving capital punishment, keeping the hardcore criminals in prison for a lifelong period is highly expensive and meaningless. In my opinion, considering the value and mysteries surrounding human life, capital punishment is unethical or immoral. The essence of American criminal justice system is that â€Å"partisan advocacy of both sides on a case will promote the ultimate objective that the guilty be convicted and the innocent go free† (Ferdic et al, p.37). Criminal justice systems in most of the countries believe that even if thousands of criminals escaped, no innocent people should be punished under any circumstances. We have lot of examples in which innocent people forced to accept punishments because of the circumstantial evidences collected against them by the law enforcement agencies. We should remember the story of one of the greatest philosophers of all time, Socrates, who forced to accept capital punishment since he tried to teach the word, the truth. In other words, the existing criminal justice laws are not perfect and the loopholes may take the life of even innocent people. Life is the most precious thing in this world and once it is finished, no science or technology can regain it. In short, considering the possibility of human error in judgements, capital punishment should be avoided under all circumstances. Judiciary always declare a person as innocent or criminal